Djabouti's Flag
Back in December, one of my best girls Kirstin came around for dinner and cards. She brought along her friend Christine who was visiting from Djibouti where she works at an embassy. Following, "Hello"...I asked, "Where IS Djabouti??"
Djibouti (pronounced Ja-Booty) is a small country adjacent to Ethiopia.
Djabouti, aside from having a fun name to say, is not on Christine's recommended places to visit list.
Kirstin handed me a Christmas present and announced that it was a gift I would love. Christine agreed. I unfolded the small package and held in my hands a curious item: A cup made of gum rubber called the Keeper.
They were right, I do love it. Am I the last to know about this amazing invention?
In case you don't know-the Keeper replaces the need for tampons and/or pads.
A few interesting facts taken from the Keeper website:
- Plastic tampon applicators from sewage outfalls are one of the most common forms of trash on beaches.
- Over 12 BILLION pads and tampons are USED ONCE and disposed of annually, adding to environmental pollution.
- For building owners, pads and tampons that are flushed down the toilet are the most common cause of plumbing problems.
I find it so liberating to not waste unnecessarily, to consume throw away goods and to simplify my life.